PASAT Training sound error

During my recent PASAT training sessions, I’ve noticed audio clipping or truncation, and sometimes there’s no sound at all. I’m seeking assistance to resolve this issue.

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In PASAT exercise we use browser speech API: Web Speech API - Web APIs | MDN

So it is likely the browser issue.

I would suggest one of the following steps to fix:

  • restart the browser
  • restart the computer/phone
  • upgrade browser to the latest version

Hey Amygdala,
You are having trouble with the sound during your PASAT training sessions, experiencing issues like audio cutting out or not playing at all.
For your issue first of all you can check your device’s audio settings is turned up and not muted. you can try using different devices or browsers to see if the problem persists.
If the issue continues, contact to technical support team for the PASAT program. They can help you.
thanks hope it will help you.